March 05, 2025


Free Marketing Quote

We want to help you develop a marketing campaign that'll send your site traffic through the roof and meet your special campaign objectives. Before we can do that, we need to know more about your business and web site so we can best determine what services you need. Please complete the form below and we'll get back to you within 24 hours (on weekdays).

NOTE: We respect your privacy! Any and all information you submit to us will be treated completely confidentially. We won't ever give out your information to any third party, period. Also, please be patient when you send this form - it may take a moment to process. Thanks!
General Information
Your Name:
Phone Number:
*Not required
Email Address:
Contact Method:
(How would you like to be contacted?)
How Did You Find Us?

If referral, who?
Site Promotion Information
URL of Current Site:
Line of Business:
What do you sell? What services do you provide?
Current Traffic Status:
Describe how much traffic you currently get, and through what means. If you aren't sure, please try anyway.
Final Traffic Goal:
Describe what your final traffic goals are: how many visitors, what target group, etc.
Type of Promotion Tools You Approve Of:
(Check all that apply)
Email Marketing
Search Engine Optimization
Press Releases
Online Advertising
Affiliate Programs
Strategic Linking
Other - Please Specify:

Other Services:
(Check all that apply)
Traffic Tracking Software
Web Site Hosting
Ad Graphic Design
Copywriting Services
Web Site Performance Audit
Competitive Analysis
List Acquisition Software
Discussion Board Software
Type of Objectives You Seek In Promotion:
(Check all that apply)
Sell Products
Provide Information
Establish Internet Presence
Make Special Offers to Clients
Inform Potential Clients
Improve Client Communications
Keep Up With Competition
Other - Please Specify:

Your Budget:
3 month minimum
How much money have you allotted for Internet marketing per month?