October 22, 2024
Our vision stems from years of agency and client-side advertising experience on the Internet. We have formed interesting relationships, watched supremely planned marketing strategies fail miserably and balked at haphazard tactics that curiously brought results. Even with thousands of dollars to fund marketing campaigns, your Web business still may not yield profits unless you work your campaign intelligently. Our articles introduce ideas from the front, offering a breadth of online marketing wisdom for you to base your own campaigns upon.

 Search Engines, Submissions, Site Optimization
Marketing With Frames - part I
Marketing With Frames - part II
Optimize Your Web Site
Dynamic Dilemma
Search Engines - What's in a Name?
Search Directories - Your Heirarchical Database
Internet Yellow Pages - Reach Out and Type Someone
Robot's Exclusion
Automated Versus Individual Submissions
 Banner Advertising, Banner Development
Will Your Banner Be Discernable?
Beat the Banner Woes
Banner Advertising Models
Banner Bar Mysteries
Banners in Motion
Evolving to Revolving Banner Ads
 Direct Email and Communications
Email Marketing Via Autoresponders
Direct Email For Dummies
Why Opt-In?
When Opt-In Direct Email Doesn't Pay
How to Make Netlinking Work For You
High-Tech Press Releases For the Rest of Us
Direct Email: Opt-In for Your Campaigns
 Integration, Personalization & Communities
Co-operative Marketing
Seasons on the Web
How Loyal Are Your Customers?
Surveying Your Audience
Launching a Product on the Web
Partnership Selling: Serving Your Customers
Can You Make Someone Loyal to Your Website?
 Campaign Measurement and Analysis
Stages of Promotion
Understanding Web Performance and Bandwidth
Localized Targeting
Value Your Marketplace Using Market Research
 Other Marketing Articles
Can Sendmail be Resurrected?
Implementing E-Commerce for Your Dot-Com
Manufacturing Attention: How to Get Your Company Noticed by Media
8 Steps to Making Your Web Business More Valuable